What is a writer? Can we live by his pen in France

What is a writer? Can we live by his pen in France

: live his pen is possible in France

What is a writer? Can we live by his pen in France

- live his pen is possible in France

Sometimes, sometimes life can be really like in the novels. We write perhaps novels only to provoke the life, forcing them to adapt to our dreams.

Of course we are like all other men, but the work we do is very special, very surprising. Most people do not spend their time living in an imaginary world: their work is dedicated to daily activities, often repetitive, very down to earth. The writers, especially novelists, create things that do not exist. They are therefore different from most people who, on a daily basis, what exists

Paul Auster, in an interview published by Read in February 2007, directed by François Busnel

Nowhere, no regime has ever loved its great writers, only smaller.

Apart from my job as a writer, I do good for nothing. Accordingly, we can say that anything good can easily become a writer.
Francois Mauriac

If the writer does not want to return to the museum of ancient civilization, he must become familiar with the means of mass communication.
Denis Monière (- 1981)

The original writer, until it is not dead, is still outrageous.
Simone de Beauvoir (- 1949)

The more obscure writers have said all along that he had taken a ticket in this lottery of glory.
Francois Mauriac

Asking a writer what he thinks of the criticism is asking a lamppost what he thinks of dogs.
John Osborne

Marcel Proust:
-- Life's purpose of the writer is in his work ... .
-- I did the writer shows that in his books.

D'Alembert has often written about writers:

From whom he spoke when he writes: There are parts of spoils-business and this writer is one of them.
(Letter to Voltaire, January 24, 1778)

It is true that a satirical writer, after outraged famous men believed to repair his insults by the praise he gave them after their death.
(Mixtures literary)

How a writer best known to both embolden and master a language timid and careful.
(Praise, Bossuet)

Between several traits which shines his speech, we recognize the writer who thinks,
In the only portrait of Cardinal Richelieu.
(Praise, Montesquieu)

This writer has been poor, in the theatre, the small fortune of some poor writers.
(Praise, Boissy)

Thus, a famous writer who is neither spinosiste nor déiste,
Has been accused in a Gazette without admission of being one and the other,
What it is also impossible to be both at once than to be any set idolatrous and Jew.
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So should speak all enlightened and courageous writers,
Who dares not in the opinion of the populace on the literary superstitious worship of the famous writers of antiquity.
(Praise, abbot of Saint-Pierre)

With a little ear on the part of the writer,
The hiatus will be neither frequent nor shocking in its prose.
(Mixtures literary)

What posterity would be surprised to see Voltaire and Montesquieu torn on the same page where the writer's most mediocre is celebrated!
(Mixtures literary)

These hapless writers, by the ridiculous vanity within the indigent,
Whose claim is to have avoided the spirit in their books.
(Praise, Destouches)

He (Fontenelle) had, like all great writers, the style of his ideas; this original style and may represent simple and natural pleasantly another mind than his own.

We must, as Dumarsais observed after several writers,
To distinguish carefully the court of Rome, the pope and saint-seat.
(Praise, Dumarsais)

He household in mind rest of the species that any writer who wants to be read and must have tasted carefully put away in distance, especially if written for the French.
(Praise, abbot Dubos)

What books than those with several of our regular writers do not ashamed to praise!
(Mixtures literary)

You are quite right, my dear teacher, we want to always say that it is better to say this is the absence of almost all our writers.
(Letter to Voltaire, January 26, 1767)

The abbot of Olivet had led Jesuit college in the first studies of this famous writer (Voltaire).
(Praise, Olivet)

The most famous writer of our nation and of our century (Voltaire) was sermons of this great speaker one of its most attend lectures; Massillon for him was the model of prose, as is that of Racine poets.
(Praise, Massillon)

We dare say maybe it is more difficult for a writer to be simple than to be great, if we could be great without being simple.
(Praise, Massillon)

Several famous writers, at the head of which were Fontenelle and Lamotte, and the philosophy that united the charms of literature, urbanity talents, mutual esteem to the rivalry.
(Praise, Saci)

Whether interviewing writers of genius on the most beautiful spots in their books,
They avoueront that these places are almost always those who have the least cost, because they have been as inspired by producing.
(Mixtures literary)

Nothing is more likely to form the taste to disentangle, in the correction of a great writer, the reason stops he made against himself.
(Praise, Despréaux)

If Marivaux, as has rightly said a famous writer, knew all the trails from the heart, he was unaware of major roads.
(Praise, Marivaux)

Without language, in a word, the author most divine East always do though, a bad writer.
Nicolas Boileau (1674)

Work for the glory, and a sordid gain-Does the subject of an illustrious writer.
Nicolas Boileau (1674)

This is not to become a writer, you write. To join in silence this love which lacks any love.
Christian Bobin,

The bishop, and writer are men who see an abyss and fall.
Honoré de Balzac

When a writer publishes a book that does not work, it is not him but he doubted the future of literature.
Yvan Audouard

There are writers who are not writers like any other.
Christine Angot (Libération, November 6, 1999.)

What a waste, for a writer, to describe his feelings in a simple newspaper!
Isaac Asimov (The Early Asimov)

In order to exist that does not exist that must constantly be new writers!
Madeleine Chapsal (dare write)

Write it undermine the sense of the world, have a question indirectly, in which the writer, with a final outstanding not know. The answer is that each of us gives, bringing its history, its language, its freedom.
Roland Barthes

For the writer, literature is this word that says unto death: I do not like to live without knowing what is the meaning of life.
Roland Barthes

If I was a writer and death, I would like my life is réduisît, through a biographer friendly and casual, with few details, a few tastes, a few inflections.
Roland Barthes (Preface to Sade-Fourier-Loyola)

You know, on this chapter of the influences that may have experienced a writer, it is generally said that silly. He himself is not set.
Herve Bazin

... A beautiful printed speech composed by a good person, who has missed a little spirit to be a mediocre writer.
Beaumarchais (1784)

There are two eras in the life of a writer: the first, where he talks about him, and the second,
Where it speaks for itself.
Henry Becque,

Whether choosing the imagination or the imagination chooses,
It is always true that the writer works and how to forget.
Yves Berger (What is literature?)

For good writers, the so-called master is a kind of poacher's instinct developed, which makes them know where they can find game.

A writer should not try to be incoherent and abnormal. Often it is enough already without being aware of it.

A bad writer: it combined its verbs less-than-perfect.
Andre Birabeau,

Before the work, work of art, the work of writing, speaking out, there is no artist or a writer, no matter speaking, as this is the production that produces the producer, the raising or appear at the proving.
Maurice Blanchot (In retrospect)

The "not yet" to "stop" this will be the path of what is called the writer, not only his time still suspended, but what is becoming to be a disruption.
Maurice Blanchot (In retrospect)

A great writer is not by himself but by the greatness of what he calls, and I do not know of another magnitude as that of the low life, humiliated by the world.
Christian Bobin (a disorder of red petals)

I had undermined my old clothes, my wardrobe before the taule ... Frocs were the most if zones ... In a world in the way things are far more important than the flatness of style for a writer.
Alphonse Boudard

A writer is not defined at all by a certificate, but from what he writes.

It is within the reach of everyone to be a writer. All you need is a little imagination to imagine that they will be read.
Albert Brie (The word of silent, be or not to be of his time)

I was always amazed that the writers deepest, most cynical, you shamelessly tell their sexual adventures or their bassesses never did publish their books of account.
Roland Cailleux

A writer writes in large part to be read (those who say the opposite, admire them, but does not believe).
Albert Camus

The writer dreams of being a sculptor words and the painter of ideas.
Paul Carvel

The writer's pen is to ideas like the hunter's net is to butterflies
Paul Carvel (traduction de l'auteur pour le site, qu'il en soit remercié...)

Any man who has his alphabet is a writer that we must not overlook.

When one asks him a question about one of his books, any writer should respond: "I do not know: I wrote, I did not read it."
Gilbert Cesbron

A writer does not read his colleagues, he oversees.
Mauritius Chapelan

Joan of Arc is my great writer. No one speaks it better, in form and substance.
Jean Cocteau

The reader dominates the writer, even when it is subjugated.
Madeleine Chapsal (dare write)

All writers are exiles, voluntary or not.
Madeleine Chapsal (dare write)

A writer, a poet in particular, is someone who has worked all his life to make itself be defenceless.
Madeleine Chapsal (dare write)

The original writer is not one who imitates person, but that nobody can imitate.
Chateaubriand (The Spirit of Christianity (1802))

Shakespeare is among the five or six writers who have been enough to need and the food of thought; these geniuses mothers seem to have given birth and breast-fed all others.
Chateaubriand (Essay on English literature)

Nothing sterilizes as a writer that the pursuit of perfection. To produce, we must let go to its nature, surrendering, listen to his voice ..., eliminating censorship of irony or good taste ...

The great writers have never been subjected to the law of grammarians, but to impose them and not just their will, but their whim.
Paul Claudel

To celebrate the memory of all the writers gone I propose a century of silence.
Paul Claudel

It took me a long time to accept being a writer. I came to tell me that it's like having blue eyes. There was no merit to be anything.
Francis Dannemark

The greatest triumph of the writer is to think those who can think.
Eugene Delacroix

Let us say only that it was at about 1930 a writer to fashion, fashionable, familiar with large prints novels including just one or two stocks have remained in our memories.
Michel Déon (The appointment of Patmos (1965))

Some writers say, "I love the smell of the ointment." Other writers say: "The scent of her hair m'enivrent." That Schools.
Jean Dolent

There suicide in the solitude of a writer.
Marguerite Duras (write)

The task of the writer is to disturb the agonies.
Jean Dutourd

The first politeness of the writer, does point to be brief?
Anatole France (Literary Life (1888))

I distrust in those rare writers in books, which will force you to a time attabler abominable front of their front-line venue, on the pretext that there feast by rocks.
Frank, Bernard (The literary Panoplie (1958))

The writers are castles in the air, readers live there, and publishers affect rents.
Maxim Gorky

There are writers for whom the thought seems to be a mold of the brain.
Remy de Gourmont

Thought flies and the words go on foot. That is all the drama of the writer.
Julien Green (Journal)

A writer is a writer translated into exile in a foreign language.
Julien Green,

There was no writer who was really only a parasite luxury and a handyman in vogue.
Jean Guehenno (Diary of a revolution (1938))

If I say that I am the greatest writer of my generation, because it's true ...
Jean-Edern Hallier

The largest donations for a good writer is that he, birth, a "detector problems" that resists shocks.
Ernest Hemingway

Writers who have concern for your dignity, without n'écrivez never ask you: what is it will make it when all the men who live now will be dead?
Victor Hugo (Facts and beliefs)

I do admit to the great writer as one who has such a page which is like his face and another page which is like its soul.
Victor Hugo (Facts and beliefs)

The writers have put language in freedom.
Victor Hugo (Les Contemplations (1856))

The really great writers are those whose thinking occupies every corner of their style.
Victor Hugo (Tas stones (1901))

Every great writer's prose strikes to his effigy.
Victor Hugo (Facts and beliefs, 1870-71)

In revenge of the writer who gave them life, the heroes he created to hide his pen holder.
Max Jacob

Balzac. One of our greatest writers and the first between good if you look at the time. Useful to read, to meditate and to admire excellent, also own educate and train its flaws and its qualities.
Joseph Joubert

And it would perhaps not unimportant counsel to be given to writers as the following: - Never write anything that would make you a great pleasure.
Joseph Joubert

We need to be a great writer an insight of mind, a finesse greater tact that to be a great philosopher.
Joseph Joubert

There is always in a bad writer, the start of the quarter, the middle of a great writer.
Joseph Joubert

The writer must realize similar to the painter. The painter sees his model for dealing trait, but it's all it shows. It is not department by department, but by beams, the light that enlightens us.
Joseph Joubert

Writers who have influence are only men who express perfectly what other people think and wake up in the minds of ideas or feelings that tended to happen.
Joseph Joubert

Very little good writers write because it takes a long time to reduce their beauty in abundance or wealth.
Joseph Joubert

What writers are immortal before their death!
Roger Judrin (Dark Gold (1979))

You can become a writer. But we have to be author.
Ernst Jünger (The author and Scripture)

It would not be wrong to appoint writers at the Academy.
Alphonse Karr

The number of writers is already innumerable and will always growing, because it is the only profession with the art of governing, that dares to do without being told.
Alphonse Karr

There are two kinds of writers. Those who are and those who are not. At first, the form and content are together as soul and body, in the second, the substance and form come together as a body and clothes.
Karl Kraus

You must read all the writers twice, the good and bad. Some, we recognize the others, they are unmasking.
Karl Kraus

By the sixties, two pitfalls for the writer: either it no longer believes in him and sign anything, or he no longer believes in him and also sign anything.
Jacques de Lacretelle

It seems, for a writer, that each page he wrote for himself to be a new lesson in the art of writing.
Paul Léautaud (About one-day)

A writer who receives a literary prize is disgraced.
Paul Léautaud (Interviews with Robert Mallet)

The true role of the writer is to the men tirelessly to say that men insignia or, in general, what the majority thinks or feels without knowing it. The authors say that only mediocre what everyone would have said.
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (The mirror of the soul)

Toi by the fact that you are a writer or a painter, you are a social mystery.
Mac Orlan (Complete Works)

A writer, he should be incinerated. We mix the ashes to the pulp used for a beautiful edition posthumously.
Mac Orlan

A great writer is evident by the number of pages it does not publish.
Stéphane Mallarmé

I place at the forefront of writers of the second order.
W. Somerset Maugham

Only a mediocre writer is always at its best level.
W. Somerset Maugham

A writer is essentially a man who did not resign from loneliness. Each of us is a desert.
Francois Mauriac (God and Mammon)

Our time will be what we want it to be, and particularly what will its writers, thinkers and saints. What this generation is in search of freedom is already a good sign.
André Maurois (What I think (1952))

Sir, young writer quite unknown and no relations, I ask you to be kind enough to send me a letter of recommendation from yourself.

Charles Monselet

It was at the audacity of their grammatical mistakes that we recognize the great writers.
Henry de Montherlant

The writers do not eat meat or chicken, but only commendable.
Henry de Montherlant

Quotations are crutches writers infirm.
Paul Morand (1968-1972 unnecessary Journal, August 2, 1968)

Many speak of itself going to beast. Mankind has found an original way to circumvent this prohibition: the writer!
Robert Musil

It is dangerous to go too early for a writer of common sense: it is the privilege of mediocrities ripe.
Gerard de Nerval (La Bohème galante)

When a writer is engaged in politics, it must do as citizens, as human beings, not as a writer.
George Orwell

If writers do not read and if readers n'écrivaient not, the cases of literature walk infinitely better.
Giovanni Papini

A word is not even a writer, and in another. One is the snatches belly. The other derives from the pocket of his overcoat.
Charles Péguy

It attaches to the writer, a credit of intelligence and wisdom that only the great doctor may rely.
Bernard Pivot

A writer is a man who does not want to get rid of the darkness, never to emerge quite the darkness ...
Pascal Quignard (Secret Life)

It is known writers love to travel. Of course ... For them, it is easier to remove the ink.
George Raby

There are storytellers and writers. On tale what you want, it does not write what you want: one that writes itself.
Jules Renard

The writer writes to be loved. It is read without being able to be.
Jules Renard

The job of a writer is learning to write.
Jules Renard (Journal, June 18, 1900)

Le mot juste! Le mot juste! What economics paper on the day a law to compel writers did serve as the right word!
Jules Renard (Journal, Nov. 22, 1894)

For a writer who comes to work, read, it is by car after walking painful.
Jules Renard (Journal, April 14, 1899)

A well-known writer last year.
Jules Renard

More than one writer is convinced he did think his reader when he did sweat.

In France every writer is an accused.
Henri de Rochefort (The Lantern, June 27, 1868)

It sometimes reward writers for their work. Why do we never punished.
Jules Romains (Friends and Meetings)

It is writers suspects if they come to us to make lanterns for bladders.
Jean Rostand

The banalities of the few writers give us good quotes.
Jean Rostand (Thoughts of a biologist (1967))

A great writer is a man who knows how to surprise us and told us what we knew forever.
Jean Rostand (Thoughts of a biologist (1967))

Already three deaths in France among users of Viagra:
If it continues, we will no longer have enough writers to fill the Académie française!
Laurent Ruquier (Be aware of changing certainties (1999))

When we give the Goncourt for a writer, is it obliged to read it?
Laurent Ruquier

Do not dare mention "Mrs. Bovary c'est moi", but look carefully on the subject of disorder sexual identity at the writer.
Daniele Sallenave

But I felt unworthy, and I still, to write solely by the enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm is not a state of mind as a writer.
Paul Valéry

About me: Vialatte, writer notoriously misunderstood.
Alexandre Vialatte,

It is a longstanding dreams coddled by the signatory of these lines that make one day mandatory protection of the pound against any risk of reading, a task in which are already working diligently writers themselves.
Mark Twain

The literature shows that of jockey as a stable situation.
John Steinbeck

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